Return to Curbside Service

Due to the recent spike in COVID cases in Tuscola County and across the state, we will be rolling back to Phase 2 of our Reopening Plan starting Wednesday, November 18th. Please wear masks and prac­tice so­cial dis­tanc­ing for your safety, and for the safety of our li­brary staff, dur­ing curb­side in­ter­ac­tions. Please un­der­stand that the li­brary build­ing is not open to the pub­lic at this time.

To se­lect ma­te­ri­als to re­serve:
1) Browse and Request from the on­line li­brary cat­a­log. Visit and lo­gin us­ing your li­brary card num­ber and pin number/password. Click the ? HELP icon in the top left cor­ner for in­struc­tions and tips for brows­ing and plac­ing re­serves.
2) Call 989-871-2003 and ei­ther speak with a staff mem­ber or leave a message. Be sure to leave your full name and a phone num­ber.After re­quest­ing items, please wait for the library to con­tact you that your ma­te­ri­als are ready to be picked up.

For Curbside Pick-up
1) If avail­able, park in the space in­di­cated for li­brary curb­side park­ing.
2) Call 989-871-2003 and let us know you are at the li­brary. The li­brary build­ing is not open to the pub­lic.