Rules of Use by Outside Groups

  • The conference room will be available to all non-commercial groups where no products or other services are sold or have a fee attached; no religious or campaign activities allowed.
  • Applications for the use of the conference room must be made by an officer of the group and approved by the director.
  • Users of the conference room shall be responsible for any and all damages resulting from their use of the room.
  • No smoking on library property.
  • Groups using the conference room must clean up after themselves at the end of their time allotted.
  • The library is not responsible for any personal belongings.
  • The conference room may only be used when the library is open.
  • Users of the conference room shall not exceed its capacity of 15 adults.
  • Users may reserve calendar dates for six months in advance.
  • Electrical equipment must be approved before it is used
  • Liability insurance may be required.
  • Certain fee-based services may be allowed at the discretion of the Director.