Computer Use Policy

Library Cards

  1. Millington Arbela District Library patrons must use their own library card. Only current (unexpired) library cards may be used. To insure all patrons an equal opportunity to use the public access computers, patrons must present their library card and sign the login sheet.
  2. Patrons using another person’s library card (with or without permission) will be In order to protect the owner’s rights, cards that are used by persons other than the owner will be invalidated until the owner is able to show identification.

Time Limits – The initial time limit may be 30 minutes. If no one is waiting, computer time may be extended. The Millington Arbela District Library does not guarantee a specific amount of time for computer use.

Specific Use Computers – Some Millington Arbela District Library computers are designated for specific purposes such as children’s software and older Microsoft Office applications. These computers are NOT connected to the Internet.


  1. The Millington Arbela District Library network is
  2. Parents or legal guardians need to be actively interested in and are responsible for supervision of their children’s online use of the Internet and other electronic Parents or legal guardians are encouraged to discuss the use of the Internet in relation to family values and boundaries with their children and to monitor their children’s use of the Internet. A parent, legal guardian or approved adult care taker must accompany children eleven years of age and under at all times while using the public access computers.

Library Use – Millington Arbela District Library staff may reserve computers for classes. Closing – Computers and printers will be shut down 15 minutes before the library closes. Headphones – Headphones are available at each public access computer.


  1. Black & white pages are 15 cents per Color pages are 50 cents per page.
  2. Patrons may use their own specialty paper, such as resume paper. The printing costs remain the same.

Saving Files and Documents – Patrons who wish a permanent record of their work need to save files and documents on their own external, portable hard drive, memory card, or USB drive. Millington Arbela District Library computers do not allow users to save documents or personal files to the hard drive.

Disclaimer – Patrons use library computer hardware and software at their own risk.

  1. The Millington Arbela District Library is not responsible for equipment malfunction, loss of data, any damages to the user’s disks, data, or electronic transactions of any
  2. The Millington Arbela District Library is not responsible for the loss of any hard drives, CD, or USB drive.
  3. The Millington Arbela District Library computers are filtered using the best available However, users are cautioned that ideas, points of view, and images can be found on the Internet that are controversial, divergent, and inflammatory.
  4. The provision of access does not mean or imply that the Millington Arbela District Library endorses or sanctions the content or point of view of any of the information or commentary which may be found on the

Staff Assistance – Computing resources are self-serve. While staff members are available to assist users with the equipment, staff members do not provide assistance in the use of software. Staff members are NOT allowed to view patron’s personal information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers or banking information.

Illegal and Unacceptable Uses – Patrons may use library computers or the wireless access only for legal uses. Examples of unacceptable uses include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Attempting to crash, degrade performance, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems and networks.
  2. Damaging equipment, software, or data belonging to the Millington Arbela District Library or other
  3. Using the Internet for malicious purposes such as intentionally propagating a
  4. Sending unsolicited
  5. Attempting to gain or gaining access to another person’s files or authorization
  6. Using another person’s identification, bar code or pin number, with or without
  7. Using, disclosing, or disseminating personal identification information regarding minors without parental permission.
  8. Displaying obscene material, child pornography, or sexual content that might be harmful to minors.
  9. Harassing other users with messages, prints, or images.
  10. Libeling, slandering, or maliciously offending other
  11. Violating copyright laws or software licensing
  12. Violating federal, state, or local laws, regulations, or ordinances


  1. Obscenity, as defined in section 1460 of title 18, United States Code and MCL 362.
  2. Child Pornography, as defined in section 2256 of title 18, United States
  3. Child sexually abusive material, as defined in MCL 145c.
  4. Harmful to Minors – The term “harmful to minors” as defined under MCL 674, means any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that:
    1. taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion;
    2. depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; and
    3. taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.
  5. Sexual Act; Sexual Contact – The terms “sexual act” and “sexual contact” have the meanings given such terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States

Compliance – Failure to comply with this policy or with library staff directions may result in restriction or termination of the user’s library privileges and may result in prosecution under local, state, or federal laws. Any person denied access to the Library or its services may appeal the denial to the Library Director. If the appeal is not resolved by the Director, it may be submitted in writing to the Library Board. The Library Board will provide the person with an opportunity to be heard before deciding the appeal.

Internet Access Policy

The Library’s Internet Access Policy is in compliance with federal and state laws.

Philosophy –The Millington Arbela District Library provides the Internet to the public as an informational, educational, and recreational resource.

Internet Content – The Internet, as an information resource, enables libraries to provide information beyond the confines of their own collections. It allows access to ideas, information, and commentary.\

  1. The Internet is an unregulated medium. As such, while it offers access to a wealth of material that is personally, professionally and culturally enriching to individuals of all ages, it also enables access to some material that may be out of date, inaccurate and offensive.
  2. The Millington Arbela District Library is not responsible for the content of information accessed or
  3. The Millington Arbela District Library strives to maintain a computing environment that promotes access to a wide variety of electronic information in an array of formats; however, Millington Arbela District Library makes no guarantee that all Internet content and services will function on its equipment.
  4. If an adult wants unfiltered access to the Internet, the adult must make a request to staff to have the filtering software turned off. At least one computer may become

Privacy – It is the policy of the Millington Arbela District Library to preserve the confidentiality of library usage records of its patrons in accordance with the Library Privacy Act as last amended.

  1. Unless ordered by a court after giving Millington Arbela District Library notice of the request and an opportunity to be heard on the request, the library or an employee or agent of the library shall not release or disclose a library record or portion of a library record to a person without the written consent of the person identified in that library record or that person’s parent or legal
  2. The Millington Arbela District Library makes no representations regarding the privacy of information sent over the Millington Arbela District Library network (including Wireless Access) accessing the Internet including e–mail, chat, or instant messenger. Those transmissions are not guaranteed to be secure against interception and may be monitored by a third party.

Technology Protection Measure – It is Millington Arbela District Library’s policy to comply with the requirements of the Michigan Library Privacy Act, 1984 PA 455, MCL 397.601 et seq., and the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) (47 USC § 254 and 20 USC § 9134) and the June 23, 2003 United States Supreme Court decision relating thereto, as well as provisions in the Michigan Library Privacy Act regarding restriction of Internet access to minors (MCL 397.606). Millington Arbela District Library uses a technology protection measure (or “Internet filter”) to restrict access to Internet sites that contain adult content (nudity, pornography, as well as proxy avoiding web pages). All public computers are filtered.

Filtering Guidelines – Millington Arbela District Library uses the requirements of CIPA and Michigan law to determine what the filter should block. Millington Arbela District Library uses the least restrictive blocking categories provided by the filter vendor that by their definitions appear to include prohibited content. Content to be blocked includes obscenity as defined in 18 USC § 1460, child pornography as defined in 18 USC § 2256, and sexual content harmful to minors as defined in 47 USC § 254 and 20 USC § 9134.

Parental Guidance – Parents need to be actively interested in and are responsible for supervision of their children’s use of the Internet and other electronic resources. Parents and guardians are encouraged to discuss the use of the Internet and family values with their children.

  1. Parents and guardians need to be aware that the filter is not totally effective and the Millington Arbela District Library cannot assure that a child will not purposefully or inadvertently access inappropriate
  2. The Millington Arbela District Library does not filter the content of e-mail, chat rooms, or other forms of direct electronic communication and cannot therefore assure the safety and security of minors using these
  3. The Millington Arbela District Library cannot protect against their children’s unauthorized access to computer resources, including “hacking,” and other unlawful online
  4. The Millington Arbela District Library cannot protect against unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding their children if their children provide it while using the

Wireless Access – Authorized and approved wireless access to the Internet is supported by Millington Arbela District Library within the libraries during library hours.

  1. The Millington Arbela District Library network is an open network and is not
  2. Most Wi-Fi equipment will be However, the Millington Arbela District Library can make no guarantee to compatibility of equipment with Millington Arbela District Library’s network.
  3. Printers are not available via this “Hot Spot” wireless
  4. The Millington Arbela District Library cannot guarantee wireless
  5. Millington Arbela District Library staff cannot assist with a patron’s computer, wireless network card, or
  6. Millington Arbela District Library assumes no responsibility for any loss or damages done directly or indirectly to personal data, equipment, unattended equipment or for any damage or injury arising from loss of privacy arising from use of its World Wide Web server, wireless connection, or connection to other Internet
  7. Millington Arbela District Library staff is not responsible for any changes made to a patron’s computer settings.
  8. Wireless users must comply with the Millington Arbela District Library Computer and Internet Use Policies. Users are expected to use the Millington Arbela District Library’s wireless access in a legal and responsible manner.

Complaints and Penalties – If a user feels that a web site is being blocked or allowed inappropriately by the filter, the user may request that it be reviewed by library staff.


  1. Obscenity, as defined in section 1460 of title 18, United States Code and MCL 362.
  2. Child Pornography, as defined in section 2256 of title 18, United States
  3. Child sexually abusive material, as defined in MCL 145c.
  4. Harmful to Minors – The term “harmful to minors” as defined under MCL 674, means any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that:
    1. taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion;
    2. depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; and
    3. taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.
  1. Sexual Act; Sexual Contact – The terms “sexual act” and “sexual contact” have the meanings given such terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States

Compliance – Failure to comply with this policy or with library staff directions may result in restriction or termination of the user’s library privileges and may result in prosecution under local, state, or federal laws. Any person denied access to the Library or its services may appeal the denial to the Library Director. If the appeal is not resolved by the Director, it may be submitted in writing to the Library Board. The Library Board will provide the person with an opportunity to be heard before deciding the appeal.

This policy was adopted by the Millington Arbela District Library Board of Trustees at a regular meeting on August 6, 2012.

Computer/Internet Policy

General Guidelines

  1. The public-use computers are available during normal library operating hours. Patrons need to sign the computer log and present library cards prior to use. The public-use computers will be shut down fifteen minutes prior to the library’s closing time for that day.
  1. Patrons must read the procedures and policies regarding computer usage as established by the Millington Arbela District Library Board and must have signed a computer use agreement prior to using any computers other than those machines that list the contents of the Millington Arbela District Library. Patrons under the age of eighteen must also have the agreement signed by a parent or guardian. A parent, legal guardian, or approved adult care taker must accompany children eleven years of age and under at all times while using the public access computers. Parents/legal guardians are ultimately responsible for any damages inflicted upon any equipment and or software used by children or adolescents under their legal supervision, including the costs incurred to repair or replace any hardware or software.
  1. Some equipment is intended for the use of patrons needing word processing. Patrons must familiarize themselves with the currently installed word processing program. While library staff members are available to offer assistance in operating the computers, staff members and other employees cannot devote time to the tutoring of patrons in computer usage. The library will make every reasonable attempt to provide computerized tutorial programs available to assist each
  1. Tutorial classes may be offered and will require pre-registration. Patrons may register by telephone or in person at the Tutorials will acquaint patrons with operating procedures and simple commands; they will not be a course in or an introduction to programming.
  1. In order to insure everyone an equal opportunity to use the library computers, patrons must 1) sign the login sheet; 2) first come first serve; 3) use in hour blocks of time. Patrons who have not had the opportunity to use the library’s computers shall have the right to use the computers before anyone who has already had an hour access to the machines. This includes anyone who has signed up before
  1. Additional access time will be determined by the library staff on the basis of over-all user demand, including the need for staff access for library support purposes. No more than two people shall be at a computer at a time.
  1. Patrons requiring special needs should consult with the librarian or clerk on
  1. Patrons may use their own disks, USBs, or portable, external hard drives to download or save information.

  1. Patrons may not install any personal programs or data on the library’s hard drive; files must be saved on patrons’ individual disks, USBs, or portable, external hard drives. The library reserves the right to periodically delete files from its computers
  1. Patrons may not send, receive, or display text or graphics which may be reasonably construed as
  1. All library programs are copyrighted and may not be
  1. The library is not responsible for lost and or corrupt data.
  1. The charge for printing material will be 15 cents per page for black and white and 50 cents per page for Patrons must check with the librarian or clerk on duty to make arrangements to use the printers.
  1. The library cannot insure that patrons’ individual disks, USBs, or portable, external hard drives will not be infected with computer viruses, Trojan horses, or malware which may be embedded in files that are downloaded from the Internet, stored on the library’s computers’ hard drives, or embedded in other library-owned hardware or software.
  1. The library cannot guarantee the security of information stored on individual patrons’ disks, USBs, or portable, external hard drives.
  1. The library staff is not allowed to view patron’s personal information such as; credit cards, social security numbers, account numbers, etc.
  1. The library staff may not discriminate on any basis in their monitoring of computer usage. This includes but is not limited to age, race or sex.
  1. Using library computer equipment for purposes other than those permitted under the Millington Arbela District Library Computer/Internet Policy or performing any act that damages, disables or redirects computer hardware or software will result in the following discipline:
    1. If a patron performs any act that damages, disables or redirects computer hardware or software, the patron will no longer be allowed to use any library
    2. If a patron displays child pornography on any library computer, the patron will no longer be allowed to use any library computer and authorities will be notified.
    3. For all other violations of the Computer/Internet Policy:
      1. First Offense will result in a
      2. Second Offense will result in suspension from use of all library computers forever.

A library patron has the right to appeal their suspension to the Millington Arbela District Library Board.