Banned Book Identities

Thank you everyone that participated in the Banned Book Guessing Game. We have identified the Banned Books:

Inmate #021263: A picture book, written by Dr. Seuss, challenged for promoting violence against fathers.

Answer: Hop on Pop

Inmate #030305:  Written for young adults, winner of the American Library Association’s Michael L. Printz Award, has the name of a state in its title, this book was the author’s first novel, banned for inappropriate language, challenged for sexual content.

Answer: Looking for Alaska

Inmate #100500: A graphic novel, originally written in French, a memoir, banned in Iran for criticizing the Iranian government, banned in US schools and libraries for graphic illustrations and language.

Answer: Persepolis

Inmate #040574:  A horror book, became a film, takes place in high school, the title is the main character’s name, banned for violence, cursing, under-aged sex, and negative view of religion

Answer: Carrie